after the tohubohu

i visited you once, orlando.
three years ago now.
you left an impression of warmth (the sun, the people).

and then . . .

a singer’s meet-and-greet.
christina grimmie gone forever.
(i was a huge fan.)

dancing at the pulse.
49 individuals killed, 53 injured.
(we’re left with the why.)

an alligator and a toddler.
the loss of a little boy.
(opposing sides taken on social media.)

wow, orlando.
you had such a rough six days.

and what followed was a tohubohu.
a state of chaos.
utter confusion.

and a barrage of blame.
a deranged fan or lack of security?
access to firearms or a muslim terrorist?
disney’s responsibility or questionable parenting?
i read so many different viewpoints.

what i think:
madness, at the edge of despair.
hatred for self, extending to others.
a devastating accident.

shocking and sad.
humanity, broken down.
“there’s a moment just before the flowers open where it looks like the world is holding its breath.” (michelle lafriniere)

magnolia bud
but i also heard the stories.
of inspiration and healing, of strength and hope.

waiting to blossom.
allowing for new growth.

[my sincerest love and sympathy to all of the grieving families . . .]
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3 Responses to after the tohubohu

  1. Cathy says:

    Another instance for love & forgiveness to show their full power. That’s the only thing I can hold onto, like the growth after a wild fire.

  2. Angela says:

    “hatred for self, extending to others.”

    This is where we can actually DO something. It’s so tempting to lash out; blame, accountability, answers…… but really, the power is in the self. Retreat. Reflect. Love anyway.

    Thank you April <3

  3. Michelle says:

    Thank you for contributing to the healing of our country, April. We need it so desperately right now.

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