real life

i had a glorious plan of action in place for this week.
real life, however, had a different idea for me.

    walking the corridors
    talking to my dad’s doctors
    waiting for results

        the hospital dance


    watching my work pile up
    battling cold/flu symptoms
    missing my family

        off the beaten track

when life takes you away from . . .

    your usual
    your intended
    your flow

disruptive, yes.
but a cycle all its own.

similar words i’ve written before.
similar words i’ll write once again.

and what do we learn?

    that we’re strong.
    that we’re resilient.
    that we are always more than we’d ever imagined.

that it’s probably not, after all, that unusual.

because this IS real life.
making adjustments on a moment’s notice.
instantaneously prioritizing a new agenda.

maybe not exactly what we wanted.
but maybe what indeed we have.

perhaps a lesson in being the most courageous we can be.
when bravery in its finest form must be called upon.
me & dad
[my dad’s first selfie]
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9 Responses to real life

  1. Connie says:

    Nicely written April ! Hope your dad is ok

  2. Angela says:

    I love this April.
    Your words resonate with me deeply.
    I went through hospitals with my father at exactly this time last year.

  3. Lori says:

    I often stay that “life is what happens when you’re making other plans.” Sadly, this is particularly true when it involves the health issues of loved ones. My thoughts and prayers go out to your dad for his recovery. ((hugs))

  4. Inge says:

    Isn’t that the truth… I got a cold this week and with it a new set of priorities. Yep, real life, we’re here!

  5. I love your dad’s first selfie. I’ll never forget my mom’s first email. It said, “I have email. When are you coming to visit?” Ha, ha, and this:
    “maybe not exactly what we wanted.
    but maybe what indeed we have.”
    I know this place. Intimately. xxoo

  6. April says:

    I’m all too familiar with the hospital dance, April. But as usual, your words articulate it perfectly! I hope your dad is doing well now. Thank you, as always, for putting words to my experiences and feelings. They are much easier to process that way. You are a gift to all of us! <3

  7. Jul's says:

    Oh April, you are the wordsmith! You turn a heart struggle into a beautiful communication. I hope your dad is okay and doing better. This is the stuff of life that really matters. I am sure your dad is so grateful you are there by his side. Great Selfie of your dad 😉

  8. Ferris says:

    Sending lots of love to you and your dad April. Your words are so eloquent and powerful.

    Yes, this IS real life and I applaud how you are embracing it

    making adjustments on a moment’s notice.
    instantaneously prioritizing a new agenda.

    Your bravery and courage speaks volumes.

    May you dad be well.

    A also love this reminder …

    that we’re strong.
    that we’re resilient.
    that we are always more than we’d ever imagined.

    Thank you for sharing those fine gems of insight with us.

  9. Elizabeth says:

    I sometimes think… what would my dad think of all this technology. He missed it all… he told me when I was just uyoung that one day, we would have cards that go into a machine to get money.. he was smart… and he would be blown away… I’d love to see his selfie… And my mom’s too.

    It’s such a journey, this courageous time where we find bravery we never knew. I imagine it must be like the day we were born and our parents had the same feelings!

    I send you my love as you navigate this path. I remember it well and like you said… lessons in bravery… and courage in its finest form… are deep in its trenches … xoxoxo

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