capture! celebrate! calibrate!

“Man is not born perfect. He is born incomplete, he is born as a process. He is born on the way, as a pilgrim. That is his agony and his ecstasy too; agony because he cannot rest, he has to go ahead, he has always to go ahead. He has to seek and search and explore. He has to become, because his being arises only through becoming. Becoming is his being. He can only be if he is on the move.” (Osho, The Wisdom of the Sands: Vol 1)
always seeking and searching and exploring.
always becoming.
always on the move.

and so we try to make sense of our existence.
we try to mold it into the most perfect blend of happiness and thrills.
into what we, as individuals, see as contentment.
in january, i created my 2015 vision board:

i finished the cutting and the arranging and the pasting.
but my vision – my seeking, my searching, my exploring –
will never truly be complete.

and i like that.

i like the questioning and the stretching and the wondering.
it makes me feel alive.
it makes me feel as if both life, and i, have meaning.
halfway through each year, i do a check-in.
i set aside time to gaze at and muse over my dream collage.

and also to reflect upon the word i chose to help guide me through:

i ask myself:
~did the first six months go as you’d envisioned?
~was the path straight or filled with curves?
~what surprises have delighted you along the way?
~what roadblocks have sprung up unexpectedly, and how did you detour around them?

vision board review:

  1. assess your interest.
  2. applaud your success.
  3. adjust your direction.

capture! celebrate! calibrate!
did you make a commitment to your own dreams at the beginning of 2015?
do a mid-year check-in and see what you discover.
share your revelations.
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5 Responses to capture! celebrate! calibrate!

  1. April says:

    Capture, Celebrate, Calibrate!! Love this April! Your vision board is awesome! I MUST do one myself. Personally I have a achieved much of what I had hoped to so far this year, while a few other plans took different turns. I’m enjoying the ride and less bothered with those twists and turns…they always lead me somewhere. 🙂

  2. I keep my visioning rather broad so that I can lean in and enjoy what shows up. My word is ‘spacious’ and I think I’ve done a pretty good job creating more and more spaciousness in my life. (Ha, ha, I’ve had that word for three years now, I just can’t seem to let it go!) I like your system for checking in. I find that when I keep my vision boards front and center and look at them often, I begin to manifest those visions more frequently. Sometimes I pull out older ones and revisit them to see if there are any themes. Fun. xxoo

  3. Cathy Sykora says:

    I agree that it is a perfect time to check in to see if I’m on track with my vision for 2015. The process has been somewhat close to, but definitely not exactly, how I had envisioned. Of course, there have been unexpected surprises along the way, but I am on course. I am still very excited about where I am heading, but grateful for the journey as well! Thank you for the reminder to check-in!

  4. Deb says:

    SGreat to reflect half way through the year. I am starting a new program and developing my next 10 year plan! Well not down to specifics but yes, a vision and I have a structure to continuously develop and create my life!

  5. Michelle says:

    Ahhh… I remember getting very excited over your Esprit announcement not too long ago. How can it be six months already???

    I cannot wait to calibrate my Vision Board, April! Thank you for the suggestion! xo

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