and then there are switzerland days.

i wake in the morning feeling confident,
ready to create experiences.
the day presents its story,
unfolding its subtleties and lessons.
its unique twist of cheer, surprise, or indifference.
of sadness, hope, or excitement.

some days – dare i say most? – i feel on top of the world.
strong, courageous, wise.
perhaps even magical.

other days i feel a bit conquered.
unable to deal or heal.
small, alone, and weak.

and then there are switzerland days.
no major blunders.
no commitments or involvements.
no damage or distress.
but little satisfaction or joy either.

and sometimes, as the day draws to a close,
as i grow weary with need for sleep,
i wonder about the percentages.
top-of-the-world vs. conquered vs. switzerland.
how does my life equation balance out?

how does YOUR life equation balance out?
is it the ideal formula for you?
if not, how can you improve your magical-day score?
get my free course!

16 Responses to and then there are switzerland days.

  1. Brenda says:

    I always have my ups and downs but as a life balance, I think it evens out. Very soon, I’m going to have some big top of the world days vs. conquered days vs magical days. My family and I are planning a huge life change. Husband quit his job to join me in my business (food and travel ) and we are moving to Spain with our 10 year old daughter in tow. Its exciting and magical but also a huge leap of faith but we know God lead us to this decision. So my ideal formula is a mix of magical days and days of switzerland BUT hopefully more magic days LOL! Great post April!

  2. Puja Madan says:

    You’re a beautiful poet April 🙂 hmmm I def oscillate between magical, dark and neutral days. I’m learning to stay with the feelings and experiences that each brings because whichever way the pendulum is at, I know it will swing the other way soon. I’m getting better at not getting attached to the high days and not trying to change the low ones. Thanks for the beautiful post! love

  3. Maria says:

    OOh I love the idea of switzerland days – I have a few of these lately and you know – i love them. They are just easy – and life is becoming really graceful too. thank you for sharing your wisdom xx

  4. Deb says:

    I sense it is absolutely normal to shift and transition our energy, emotions, connectedness throughout the day and night. the more resilient we are to go with the flow of what emerges, be with how we are, give ourselves What we need to shift back to neutral, contentment and peace.

  5. April says:

    Switzerland Days!!! I absolutely LOVED this!! Your poetic writing ALWAYS resonates with me. I love and think and often communicate in analogies and it’s like you’re always speaking my language. Your artful writings always stay with me. After particularly hectic days, I embrace Switzerland days, but to your point, too many would be unfulfilling and dull! Thanks for the post April!

  6. Michelle says:

    Beautiful post, my friend.

    I’m an Enneagram Type 4. Aka The Romantic. And sometimes known as The Tragic Romantic. Oy. This means I’m always looking and hoping for the magical. 🙂

    This can be both a blessing and a curse. I love the part of me, who at 44 (45 tomorrow!), still sees the world though a lens of wide-eyed enthusiasm, wonder, and magic.

    But real life often disappoints. And this can be crushing to the highly-sensitive Romantic.

    I try my best to embrace the Switzerland days because they are REALITY! For me, a daily gratitude practice has become an essential element of honoring both the Switzerland days and the funky days.

  7. Silvia says:

    As usual…love your writing April. So many times if we’re not feeling on top of the world, we think something is wrong…but it’s not. Neutral I’m finding is the most powerful place to be…for then we can let our Spirit direct.

  8. Cara Maclean says:

    I like this idea, and I think that you need those neutral days. For me they’re sometimes just down days for relaxing a little and getting grunt work done. And other times I’m more avoiding something else, so they’re kind of angst ridden… but overall they smooth out the balance between the highs and lows. 🙂

  9. Lorna says:

    Ahhhh Switzerland. I have always held Switzerland on a pedestal. Neutral. Accepting what is. Not taking sides. I love the idea of Switzerland and think that having a lifetime of Switzerland days might just be the key to it all

  10. Cathy says:

    Sublimely said, April.

    And while I crave the magical, on-top-of-the-world days as Michelle does, I know that the Swiss ones are slightly more productive. Hmm, which usually leads to the lift.

    Marriage can be looked at through the same lens. It may not be as exciting as you’d once dreamed, but at least you know you can rely on Switzerland when you need it (him).

  11. Cathy Sykora says:

    Beautifully written words! I agree that life has up days, down days, and neutral days. I have found to love those “Switzerland Days” where there is nothing over-stimulating and just a sense of contentment. I find when my life is more balanced, I have more neutral days. Of course those other spectrums still occur and their is beauty in all of it!

  12. Beth says:

    I have been having a very Switzerland week, but that’s okay! I used to live more on the dark side, so the fact that neutral is my new normal is a huge improvement. I love the way you look at things!

  13. nichole says:

    OMG April! I didn’t have Switzerland days, I lived in Switzerland, what the heck… I was Switzerland, until I realised there was more than simply “good enough”, there was a “hell yeah!” out there and I was meant to experience it, every day. So,now now I actually have a “Hell Yeah” list, with things that light me up and not a day goes by without me doing at least one of these things…

  14. Anne Omland says:

    I can totally relate- I have plenty of Switzerland days (love that, by the way). I think I have a balance of good, strong days versus not so great and then the average days. The days that are really good, though, are a result of my energy and how I take on the day. I think it’s more in my control than I’d think. THanks for sharing!

  15. Beth K .Bedbury says:

    Switzerland days, love it. One of the lessons I got to re-learn this year was that I deserve to use my own energy for me, not just others.

  16. Susie says:

    This week included lots of ups & downs. It felt wonderful
    to read your beautiful words after it. Thank you April!!

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