
we know.
but we don’t know.

we know
that days tend to pass by in a busy blur.
but we don’t know
how to begin reducing the speed, appreciating each detail.

we know
that we’ve made many mistakes in the past.
but we don’t know
how to begin restoring faith in our own abilities.

we know
that we want to make the pain go away.
but we don’t know
how to begin gently healing ourselves.

we know
that there is lovely wholeness waiting inside.
but we don’t know
how to begin putting the shattered pieces back together.

we know
that we can no longer tolerate existing below the surface.
but we don’t know
how to begin conquering the fears associated with risking.

we know.
but we don’t know.

begin by opening your eyes to the beauty of wonderment.
begin by trusting in new possibilities and real transformation.
begin by saying “i am worth the effort.”
begin by nurturing one fragment at a time.
begin by taking a deep breath, then nudging yourself up a level.

we know.
but we don’t know.

but we will try.
we will learn.
we will begin.

what do you wish to begin?
please share in the comments.

or contact me if you are interested in coaching.
i can help you begin.
get my free course!

27 Responses to begin.

  1. Amy Vietzke says:

    Simply beautiful, April! I needed this today. Thank you!

  2. I wish to begin a new life at home. As in, I’m having a baby and I want to be home for that baby. I’ve put the steps in motion to make this happen, it will be a great new beginning.

  3. roxy says:

    Soooo beautiful. This weekend so far for me has been synchronicities. And your Darling your words are yet another reminder for me to just BE.. Life doesn’t have to be hard or a struggle.. I set myself high expectations and when i can’t meet them.. i start feeling not enough. So my wish for me is to practice what i preach – less of the struggle and bring in more of the fun factor ! 🙂 Thank you xx

  4. Susan says:

    Such a beauty…those words…yum.
    My wish for me is to wake up in the morning completely hopeful.

  5. Your poem reminds me of one of my favourite quotes (from Steve Jobs)
    “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

  6. I begin with “Yes”
    I begin with “No”
    I begin with “hello”
    I begin with “Good-bye”

    I begin. Again. And Again. So I can know.

    Beautiful April…. thank you

  7. Michelle says:

    Goosebumps, April. Seriously. Major goosebumps. All over my body. This is exquisite. xo

  8. Susie says:

    I wish to begin at the end of what was. To take each experience as wisdom for what’s next.

  9. Tania Mercer says:

    I start with prayer to help me get to answers. To help me with the HOW. Then I leave it and move forward with my day. The answers then appear and gently sink in to my being. Then I know.
    Thank you April!!

  10. Alecia says:

    Indeed, we know, yet we don’t know brings to mind the importance of awareness and the willingness to receive the infinite possibilities. We experience amazing transformations in our lives when we truly receive what we know which further opens us up to the beauty and the possibilities all around us.

    • April Lee says:

      awareness is the first stage in my essence7 philosophy, alecia. thank you for speaking of the amazing transformations that can be ours if we are aware and willing.

  11. Cathy says:

    What’s that quote about the journey of a thousand miles starting with the first step? That’s been the message of the week for me. Thank you for summing it all up in this beautiful poem, April.

  12. farah says:

    I love this. So simple. We know, but we don’t know… that’s the game isn’t it? That’s why we grow seek, step out of our comfort zone… to find something to satifsy us. Thank you April 🙂

  13. victoria m. says:

    Hello hello April! beautiful words as always! The first few lines are the ones that resonate the most with me… slowing down has been an intention of mine for some time now as I want to savor life more and enjoy the moments more.

  14. This is beautiful as usual! My favorite:

    we know
    that days tend to pass by in a busy blur.
    but we don’t know
    how to begin reducing the speed, appreciating each detail.

    This is one I’m consciously working to shift. Thank you!

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