walking on fire

are you ready?

  • to walk through fire to the other side?
  • to reach the coolness and relief of a calm oasis of well-being?
  • perhaps to go even further, to more luminous enlightenment?

are you ready?

  • to embrace the waiting-to-be-opened, tantalizing gift of renewal?
  • to accept that the only way to forge a new path is to simply begin?
  • to commit to taking small steps through the ashes?
  • to seize each stage with determination, excitement, and hope?
  • to keep walking, however slow or tentative the progress?

are you ready?

  • to open up your arms, your eyes, your heart to the unique possibilities?
  • to creatively design your own reinvention?

you will enter a realm of calm.
those last remaining negative thoughts will begin to vanish.
one by one.
just as the flames flicker and eventually die out.
you will not recognize the quiet of your mind.
the serenity of your soul will begin to speak to you.

you will have walked through the fire,
and emerged victorious on the other side.

not completely unscathed, not totally untouched,
but whole all the same.
wiser for your burn wounds.
an oasis of delightful self-discovery and promise.
yet the fire isn’t always quenched.
there will be days when you or someone else fans its flames.
more kindling will be thrown onto the smoldering heap.

but at that point you’ll be prepared.
you’ll have the tools to stomp out the embers.
and you’ll notice something else.

when you watch that one tiny spark travel heavenward,
you will see its potential.

you will suddenly realize your own radiance
that’s been simmering just beneath the surface.
formerly subdued and restrained, while you’ve been healing.

you will discover your own inner pilot light.
the small flame that’s been waiting,
that has continued to burn,
that will ignite and relight a more powerful brilliance,
whenever necessary or desired.

you will know when your moment has arrived.
you will witness a burst of intense color.
you will experience a kaleidoscope of fiery feelings.
you will be aglow with purpose.
“she got both feet on the ground
and she’s burning it down.
this girl is on fire
this girl is on fire
she’s walking on fire
this girl is on fire.”
(alicia keys)

the blaze of life beyond recovery.
it is your time.
let your inner light reignite your boundless zeal, your pure essence.


no longer walking through fire.
now you are walking ON it.

are you ready?
please tell me about your personal “journey of fire” in the comments.
get my free course!

18 Responses to walking on fire

  1. Sarah Koszyk says:

    Inspiring post. It’s good to be reminded of our internal fires within. I definitely need to be reminded about sparks. Something is always brewing in there, right? Thanks for sharing!

  2. April, the fire I’m walking on is plain-old feeling. Having the courage to keep doing what I know is my calling and feeling the highs and lows. The moment I decided to walk on fire, in my essence was when I decided to leave a long time relationship and that has made all the difference. what a wild and wonderful ride! Thanks for the reminder that the fire is within!

  3. Lori W says:

    I feel like I’m on fire with all the wonderful new things I’m learning and implementing these days. To me, it’s all about being challenged and eventually succeeding. Great post!

  4. Susie says:

    As I was reading your post, Alicia Key’s song came to mind. Big smile when I saw you added some lyrics πŸ™‚

  5. This post reminds me of the joy in moving forward and the gifts inherent in looking back. Here’s to embracing each spark and shimmer.

  6. Lorna says:

    Beautifully written and so aspirational. We always have a choice to ignite our best self and this is a wonderful invitation. Thank you!

  7. Our divine spark with a little Alicia Keys… I mean what more could you ask for! A beautiful and inspiring walk through the flames…

  8. All it takes is that spark to start the flames! Love this.

  9. Michelle says:

    I’ve risen from the ashes many times. (Interestingly and coincidentally, I live in a city named after the mystical bird that rose from the ashes.) This time of year is a perfect reminder that we always have the chance to choose hope and begin anew. There’s no place like hope.

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