poignant pop

today i read an article about some of the greatest lyrics from one-hit wonders over the last few decades. and then i listened to a few of the songs on the list.

there were so many that i’ve loved, that have touched me in a myriad of ways through the years. as an adolescent, as a college coed, as a young wife and then mother of two young boys. later too, while driving alone in my mini cooper as an empty-nester, continuing to rock out to (and identify with) favorites.

though many music connoisseurs shun them, i am not afraid to say that i’ve always had a thing for pop songs. they’ve spoken to me – aligning with my fashion choices, showing up in my use of color in design and art, finding their way as pop culture icons into books and articles i’ve read.

the morning’s reminiscing left me feeling a bit melancholy though. despite the energetic upbeat rhythm, a lot of pop music themes are actually mournful. and that suddenly highlighted a certain vibe, a mood, that i’m finding myself in right now . . . as the days edge ever nearer to the end of my sixtieth year on earth. nostalgic, a bit regretful, somewhat bittersweet, but awestruck too.

because i do recognize that i have truly lived during this time. i’ve traveled to so many different places, met so many different people, experienced so many different things. not always happy cheerful times – i’ve known both heartache and joy – but always richly embedded with emotion and depth.

enter a simple little tune of the day, the impact its melody and words can have. the interesting phenomenon of hearing it several years later and being instantly transported to a particular place or time, possibly reminded of a poignant turning point.

and i realized that life gives you one-hit wonders as well. incredible gifts you must savor in the moment, never to happen again.
“’cause it’s a bittersweet symphony, that’s life”


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