
her balance was off
she could feel it in every
cell of her body
physically, mentally, emotionally

how she longed for a
return to homeostasis
everything neatly in tune
flowing smoothly once again

and yet she knew she had
a great deal of work to do
before that could become a reality

habits to revamp
infirmities to resolve
resentment to shed
sorrow to dissipate

she thought about what it would take
to achieve that level of equilibrium
the idea alone overwhelmed
and exhausted her

she decided to plan a sojourn
a solo trip to a cottage near the ocean
perhaps a cabin in the woods

to listen to her needs
to align herself with her truth
to remember and celebrate
her unique essence

to assess the situation as
objectively as possible
to write, to read
to think, to feel

to reacquaint herself with self
and to remember who she was
what she stood for

this post was adapted from
a 7-minute freewrite i did
using a paint chip prompt

my color >> “equilibrium”


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