blurriness corrected

it was a wonder-filled holiday in many ways
the beautiful winter snowscape
and christmas-in-the-city scenes
our two brightest lights home again
for our first pink house noel

and now only three days to go
as i say my goodbyes to the current year
and turn my attention to 2023’s newness

a fresh calendar calls for
crisp candor and raw reflection
quieting my mind
noticing my rhythms

bidding farewell to anything that
no longer moves me forward
though certain words seem to
keep popping up that do

and peace
and relevance

sky-high expectations
occasionally lead one astray
hiding unspoken truths
that bear closer examination

sometimes caught in intricate
webs of our own making
difficult to see beyond
so we adapt to the blurriness

but it is tiring and unproductive
to stay trapped in the fog
eventually we must feel our way
out through the hazy daze

open our eyes wide and
embrace what’s in front of us
who we are and what we are
meant to bring to this world


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