shedding what is not needed

six months ago i noticed an unhealthy pattern echo
so i pledged and committed anew
to awakening, moving, and nourishing myself

i didn’t force myself
to eat or exercise a certain way
but i did promise to take extra good care

i started to feel better, to look better
more and more untangling
creating a rhythmic ease to my days

and then an epic return to italy in september
to find our home, our belongings, all okay
and to be warmly welcomed back with love

it was the last missing puzzle piece
relief and reassurance began replacing
the anxiety and angst

and an interesting thing happened
the emotional, mental, and physical
weight i was carrying fell away

i shed the pounds from my body
while shedding the burden of worry
it was so freeing, so clarifying

and now these words
from four and a half years ago
are relevant once more

as i reclaim my essence, i try to remember to thank my body for all that it has already given me (like my two amazing sons), and for all that it continues to do. intricate systems that take care of every function necessary, legs that allow me to walk and explore, arms that enable me to carry and hug, hands that allow me to grasp and write, and a mind that allows me to think and create.

these last several months have consisted of
a detoxing, a cleansing, a releasing
of pounds, of struggles, of fears

most important of all
i’ve come back home to my body
the april i know untangled

awaken. move. nourish.
“energy flows where attention goes”
the ancient qigong masters knew


what do you need to shed?
and what might be standing in your way?

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