entering the equinox

the autumn equinox
daytime and nighttime almost equal
light and dark in balance

heading into fall
with its cooler nights
layers and extra blankets
not much time left for
flip flops and iced lattes

witnessing summer’s end in italy
back to school
changing colors
the villa’s walls
colder to the touch

i’ve always thought of autumn
as an in-between season
leaving the sunny summer behind
anticipating the frigid winter ahead

i’ve never been a fan of in-betweens
of lingering midway, lost-in-limbo
not very clear, not very distinct
hazy and hard-to-define

this september, however, spent at villa magnolia
has provided much-needed clarification for me
an eye-opening and emotional journey
truly a transitional period

one in which quite a bit of
fact-finding and soul-searching
has taken place
culminating in a plan for the future

things that were complicated and confusing
beginning to unravel and resolve
untangling these knotty obstacles has been
both long-awaited and deeply satisfying

feeling calm and peaceful
entering the equinox

i have always been fascinated by numbers and i like the fact that this crisp new season begins on 9.22.22. so, just for fun after writing this blog post, i googled the meaning of these two numbers (paraphrased here from different sources) >>

“in numerology, the number 9 represents completion . . . a culmination of wisdom and experience, buzzing with the energy of both endings and new beginnings. the number 22 is perceived as powerful and creative . . . not easily knocked back by failure, able to overcome all obstacles and turn wild dreams into solid accomplishments.”

wow. how very fitting. here i go.

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