so today i’d like to tell you a story about a very special gift (some of you may have read my facebook post about it several months ago).
our italian home, villa magnolia, had one previous owner, a doctor. our new residence in wallace idaho, the pink house/aka mccarthy house/aka the dire house, was owned the last 55 years by a doctor.
we still have doctor toma’s red medical scale prominently displayed in our villa in italy. and when eric and i toured the pink house for the first time in late june 2021, i noticed doctor dire’s scale in one of the bathrooms. four days later at the estate sale (before we’d even entertained putting an offer on the house), the scale was available for purchase. i wanted it, a lot, but i didn’t buy it. on the second day of the sale, i still wanted it but it was gone. someone had bought it before i could.
what followed was a month of deep regret (i.e. whining) at not having purchased the scale, especially after having our offer on the house accepted . . . “WHY didn’t i get it? we have dott. toma’s scale in italy and we could have had doc dire’s scale in the states. two italian doctors – that would have been perfect. i LOVED that scale! i wonder if we can find out who has it, so we can buy it from them?” on and on and on . . .
fast-forward to our anniversary, 6 august 2021, a little over a month later. i was upstairs in our house in kellogg and could hear eric moving something around down below. i didn’t think much of it (always something going on around here), but when i came downstairs i saw a scale sitting in our dining room with a card on it.
it took me a minute to register that it was THE scale! when i finally recognized it, the tears began to flow. ERIC was the one who had purchased it at the estate sale that day, before we even knew we’d be buying the pink house (he told me he had an idea we just might 😍). and it was hidden in our home that entire time, covered up in the back of the room we’ve been storing furniture in.
it’s one of the most thoughtful and romantic gifts i’ve ever received. and it’s going right back into its rightful spot in wallace as soon as we move in (hopefully next month). what makes this story even more wonderful is that we were able to share it with dire family members as well.
like i said, a very special gift ❤️