i am made of

I am made of a clean warm room with freshly laundered sheets and fluffy hotel towels. I am made of the most-welcome hot mug, cat greetings, my daily agenda and playful self-awareness, of procrastination and my vivacious momma. I am made of my decision to move 5300 miles away to a foreign country, and my willingness to make a splash without speaking the language. I am made of “adapt and survive” (while taking deep exhales).

I found this intriguing ad in an airline magazine while traveling high above the clouds this summer. I ran across it again yesterday and decided to fill in my own answers (editing the last category a wee bit to better fit my situation).
I am made of where you spent time in your first job. I am made of morning routine and your unique skills, of office bad habit and person who taught you a lot. I am made of a scary moment, and a moment you’re proud of. I am made of work life motto.
What are YOU made of? Fill in the blanks.
[P.S. My studio notes are showing up in your inbox and Facebook feed a couple of days early this week. Because at my regularly scheduled post time, I will (once again) be up in the air.]

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