your secret pain

do you have a secret pain?

almost all of us have our own private hell.
something that keeps us up at night.
something that prevents us from dreaming.

something that’s usually kept hidden,
along with the fear that accompanies it.

the suffering happens in silence.
the hurt festering until, sometimes,
it reaches one’s core, becomes personal.

we feel flawed,
as if we don’t measure up.
we begin believing our whole life is a failure.
invite the tears, allow the anger,
absolutely ask the questions.
our bodies, minds, and souls need an outlet
in order to cleanse.

but get back up.

this next step is important.
the mandatory pick-yourself-up process
that must follow, that must happen.

seek out beauty in each day.
notice what delights you.
surround yourself with true support.

then confront your ghosts and shadows.
challenge yourself to reach ever higher.
acknowledge every bit of forward movement.

rediscover the light and the laughter
that already reside within you.
allow emergence from the darkness.

you know you can.
you’ve done it before.

you know yourself.
love yourself too.
are you ready to get back up?

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