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what is mindful eating?

mindful eating is
paying close attention while we eat,
being fully aware of the experience.

though actually a simple idea,
it’s not always easy to do.

taking the time to slow down,
to fully taste and savor food
while not passing judgment on ourselves,
can be difficult for some.

it can also be beautiful,
and a huge relief
to those who have spent years
trying one diet after another.

mindful eating is not an all-or-nothing strategy.

care must be taken to not get
overly wrapped up in the details,
to avoid inventing new eating rules
that could possibly lead to more frustration.

we don’t want mindful eating
to evolve into yet another diet.
one that creates feelings of guilt,
promotes self-punishment,
and threatens to consume our lives.

true mindful eating allows us
to become intuitively comfortable
with our own body’s signals.

it’s a tool to help us become more aware
of what we are doing,
of how we’re spending our time,
of what may be passing us by.

with mindful eating, the goal is not perfection.

no one eats mindfully at all times.
everyone has a disconnect between
body and mind at one time or another.

sometimes we’re distracted or bored.
sometimes we’re avoiding something.
sometimes we just want to celebrate.

there’s an ebb and flow to eating habits,
just as there is to life in general.
when we begin eating mindfully, we begin
recognizing that rhythm, that cadence.

mindful eating is one path to a harmonious relationship with food.

a way to appreciate the meal in front of us.
a way to be fully present
while inhaling aromas and tasting flavors.
a way to engage with our surroundings.
a way to be in tune with our needs.

are you familiar with mindful eating?

have you ever tried practicing more awareness during a meal?
what was the experience like for you?

guess what?

my upcoming spring retreats
are 3/4 full!

that’s right – 6 of the 8
available spots are already taken!

but there is still time to ACT . . .

my italian retreat


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