unique yet universal

i’ve said it before,
and i think it’s worth saying again.

i am here to hear your story.
i am here to listen.

my coaching consists of
unraveling and integrating,
clarifying and crystallizing.
delving into the life events that have shaped you
and brought you to this very point.

when someone allows you this space,
it opens up new avenues.
it creates new ways of thinking,
about exactly who you are
and what you’re all about.

why you do the things you do.
how you might change what’s not working.
how you can fine-tune your potential
to find real meaning and purpose.
i think we all deserve this opportunity.

storytelling is so important,
the act of connecting with another human being.
feeling heard without feeling judged.
encountering a compassionate response,
acknowledgement, genuine interest.

i am here to hear your story.
i am here to listen.

i welcome the anecdotes, the narratives, the sagas.
i want to know all about you . . .
how you engage and interact and exist on a daily basis.
how you survive out there, in this big wide world.
what awakens and enlivens you, what captivates.

sharing your experiences, what you’ve gone through,
your disappointments and your joys.
coaxing out the answers that are waiting inside
to the questions you may not have been asking.
the ones jumbling up the pathways in your brain.

it’s difficult at times to tell your story.
your sense of self is laid bare and vulnerable.
but i still think it’s crucial.
each story is unique, yet each story is universal.
you help yourself, and you help others too.

i am here to hear your story.
i am here to listen.

there is sadness, there is laughter
there is struggle, there is triumph

there is also a healing haven
that allows and welcomes
all that life brings

my italian retreat


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