36-hour whirlwind trip to the
excitingly alluring
breathtakingly enchanting
historically enticing



we left villa magnolia at noon last wednesday,
and arrived back home just after midnight friday morning.

my first negroni and some delicious gelato,
the spanish steps with very few tourists,
a vivaldi violin concert in a beautiful church.

a priest’s PhD dissertation and celebratory lunch,
walking 11.5 miles, riding the subway,
driving through the ancient city.

then finally grabbing a few things at IKEA
before heading out of the city.

and i have pictures! 🙂
rome day 1, rome day 2

17 women are already signed up for my latest travel size course!


the zest quest: in search of wholeness.
inspiration. delight. priority. fascination.

5 days, 5 emails – and a lively facebook group too.

JOIN NOW . . . we start on monday!

my june retreat is FULL,
but there are still a few spots available in may . . .

the delicious details:



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