not always brave


^^ a sneak peek into ZEST, my latest travel size course ^^

beginning monday, february 25!



we, as humans, need to feel A-L-I-V-E.
we need to feel as if we have a reason
to get up in the morning, a reason to exist.

we need to feel the thirst of inspiration,
and the wild freedom of choosing to soar.

the zest quest: in search of wholeness.
inspiration. delight. priority. fascination.

5 days, 5 emails – and a lively facebook group too.

if you haven’t already done so, register NOW!
ZEST is starting soon . . .

my june retreat is FULL,
but there are still a few spots available in may . . .

the delicious details:


[and yes, my studio notes are a day early this week . . . i’m taking a quick trip to rome! 🙂 ]

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