choosing to triumph

sometimes you work on something
for a very long time.
for hours or days or months,
even years.

and you make a bit of progress,
you have a few small wins.
you gain just enough from your struggles
to keep going.

but you know it’s not complete,
you know it’s not finished.
you know you’re not
quite there yet.

once in awhile, however,
you do arrive.
you do get there.
maybe not forever, but for now.

on tuesday eric and i had
an “i’m there” day.
an arrival day.

a day following a short night,
with little rest.
a day that started much too early
(even the cats were confused).

a day where, all of a sudden,
everything began flowing.
a day with perfect components.

a series of both
small-and-pleasant surprises
(that should always be
noted and appreciated).

and a few not-so-small wins
(that made past efforts
finally feel worth it).

the entire day.
on and on.

(in fact, i came up with 19 items
on tuesday’s “daily goodness” list,
which might possibly be a record.)

positive immigration news at the questura.
an exciting full-circle offer.
an effective car fix.
quick-and-fun new-clothes shopping.
a i-told-you-so from long ago confirmed.
yummy sushi for lunch.
orange & lemon trees in the provincial capital.

eric’s delicious afternoon coffee (times 2)
in front of the warm fire.
(twice, since we’d had such a short night.)

delivering belated holiday gifts to neighbors
and being warmly welcomed into their homes.
understanding some italian.
feeling accepted, valued, and loved.

a quick stop at our friendly local bottega
to say “ciao” and pick up pasta & parmesan.
a chance to show them our new cat bed as well,
with its prominently displayed “gasperini” label.

we ended the day
with an impromptu dinner out,
at one of our favorite restaurants.
to recognize this exceptionally good day.

my daily italian quote
was spot on as well.

we know that difficult days
will come again.
we know that some things
are out of our control.

(one such issue still managed
to cast its shadow on tuesday,
though we only let it interfere
for a few brief moments.)

because tuesday we chose to notice.
tuesday we chose to celebrate.

tuesday we were choosing to triumph.

have you had a chance to read MY INTERVIEW with cinzia at instantly italy yet?

i am so honored and thrilled!


my june retreat is FULL!
and my may retreat is filling!

there are still a few spots available,
if you act NOW . . .


the delicious details:



One Response to choosing to triumph

  1. Anne Martino says:

    Sounds like a wonderful Tuesday! You may have to make Tuesdays your happy day more often! ❤

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