just like that

and just like that,
they are gone.

their presence, their vitality,
filled the rooms of villa magnolia.
now so quiet,
so empty and bereft.

we’ll all go back to our
regular everyday now.
full lives, meaningful lives.
this mama must adjust once more.

though we’ll never live again
as a household of four,
the goodbyes just don’t get easier.
(especially for these so-far-away old folk.)


the delicious details about my next retreat:



One Response to just like that

  1. Holly says:

    Oh, I so understand, April. I have to take our son to the airport to head back to Korea this afternoon after 14 wonderful “hang on all year in my heart” days home. And so many changes are coming to our little 4 person unit, which will be expanding to 6. He brought his fiance home to meet us, and she felt like a perfect fit, and they are so happy together. Our daughter spent Christmas in FL with her fiance’s family, and the inevitable “sharing your adult child” with another family begins. I am happy that we are growing and that our “kids” are happy and well-matched, but a little sad that our sturdy little family unit will never again be the same. Choosing the joy over the sadness, and looking forward to the weddings, the travel, and what comes next. Hugs to you today.

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