the word slices through our thoughts.
the feeling slices through our minds and bodies.
what does fear feel like for you?
for me, fear is that heightened sense
that all is not well.
an absence of surrounding calm,
as if i am unable to grasp solace.
fear makes me feel stuck.
fear stifles my creativity.
fear keeps me in what feels like a safe space,
but is actually a mini-prison.
dread, helplessness.
shallow breaths and trembling.
a lead weight in my stomach.
sometimes we are unable to name
what we actually find frightening.
in order to face our fear,
we must first identify its source.
take a moment to sit with the emotion,
and see what message it has to tell you.
then begin confronting the fear head-on,
with the information you have gathered.
as with everything important and huge,
just take baby steps.
meet your fear on a daily-but-limited basis.
push through it bit by tiny bit.
all the while realizing the incredible amount
of inner strength you already possess.
smash through the weaker moments as they arise, and
concentrate on creating more and more successes.
formulate a plan with which to move forward.
design a motivating ritual that will
help guide you through each day.
when you decide to play it safe,
to stay where you are because of fear,
you don’t allow yourself to take opportunities.
you limit yourself and your choices.
pursuing dreams takes courage.
it requires pushing through the fear,
no matter how invasive it might be.
it involves channeling your grit and strength,
living with flow and freedom and flexibility.
the bravest of the brave still feel fear.
they simply choose to act in spite of it.
they choose to live their lives
while they have their one chance.
have you ever noticed that your life
begins shrinking when you are afraid?
you know what I’m talking about.
fear makes you feel incapable, less-than.
it steals your self-respect.
compare that feeling to the times
when you’ve taken necessary risks.
when you’ve boldly marched onward
in spite of your wildly beating heart.
when you’ve ignored the fear,
forced your way through it,
begun to conquer (even obliterate) it.
that’s when you feel your power.
that’s when you feel your courage.
you feel immense and influential.
energetic, effective, exultant.
you feel as if you can accomplish anything.
and the world, as the saying goes,
is yours for the taking.