last thursday, for the first time since september 2012, i missed writing-and-sending my weekly blog post. the very first time in almost 6 years!
for those of you who missed my words, thank you. i sincerely appreciate your support.
i think i had a pretty good excuse though.
you see, i was totally and thoroughly swept up in the utter magic of THE ARRIVAL retreat, taking place at villa magnolia between may 20 and 25.
it is hard to describe my reactions and emotions at this point. the entire week played out just as i’ve imagined it for so long.
women at my home . . . delving, questioning, transforming.
discovering ways to connect and respond to their inner essence. supporting one another with kind words and hugs. eating and drinking delicious food and wine. experimenting with qi gong. receiving reflexology treatments. exploring the secret garden. relaxing on the portico and on the sofa.
pondering their individual journeys. journaling to find answers within. celebrating wholeness.
all while experiencing real-and-true italian life . . . the culture, the history, the beauty . . . of the villages and the castles, the countryside and the seaside, the customs and the people.
we bonded very quickly, like a comfortable family-unit (eric most definitely included). so much gaiety, in between all of the deeper work.
perfect really. my soul feels effervescent, alive.
i am sorting through photo after photo, smiling and remembering the many special moments.
i am digesting and absorbing and processing and assimilating.
i am feeling completely exhausted. mentally, emotionally, physically. yet in the most-fulfilled way possible.
i am marveling at how my true purpose lies here. in italy. at villa magnolia.
and i am missing these three incredible women.
i thank them for trusting in me and my 7 essential elements.
i thank them for the truly enhancing effect they have had on my life.
but most importantly, i applaud and congratulate them for believing in and celebrating themselves.