when we get back home.

what to write, what to write.
i suddenly have so much to write about
that i can’t seem to write at all.

i could tell you about our shipment which, after eight weeks at sea,
finally arrived at villa magnolia this wednesday.
about the crazy-stressful days leading up to its arrival,
including heated discussions back and forth with the shipper.
about my husband securing a moving company to help unload, just two days before,
and being invited to coffee (with anise liqueur) in the patriarch’s home.
about how we now have three large rooms filled with boxes,
unsure where everything is while trying to assess inevitable damage.
about how much i really did help, carrying what i could,
and dodging traffic with the others as we crossed our busy street.



or i could tell you about our ongoing residency and immigration issues,
which continue to take up much time and energy.
about how the electrical and plumbing inspections went well last week,
moving things forward for the habitation certificate.
about how the health inspectors showed up unannounced today
in the midst of complete chaos, and took a tour (saying they’d be back).
about how a very nice government official prepared a permit for us,
to park our container across the street in a public lot while we unloaded.
or i could tell you about the cool coffee shops and restaurants,
that we are discovering in our new territory.

or i could tell you about all of the not-my-normal manual labor i have been doing,
in my zeal to rid the villa of sadly-worn wallpaper and grime.
or i could tell you about the amazing walking trail, via francigena,
an ancient pilgrim road less than a mile from my new home.
or i could tell you about how we revived our afternoon coffee/reading time,
when we sat on our own chairs (shipment #618 and #619) on the terrace this afternoon.
or i could tell you about feeling a little less bewildered this week.
even when eric said, for the very first time, “when we get back home.”
(and realizing that he meant villa magnolia.)
i could tell you all of these things.
but at the moment i am feeling very stiff and sore and tired.

so i will just say thanks instead.
to those who send me warm messages of cheer,
to those who follow my adventures on facebook,
and to those who are reading this today.

your support and encouragement mean the world to me,
especially since my world just became a whole lot bigger.
click to receive my studio notes in your inbox each week.
(and get my complimentary guide to weightless as my gift to you!)
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14 Responses to when we get back home.

  1. ellen says:

    Love ….Love ….Love!!!!

  2. Tammy Lindemuth says:

    Getting that wallpaper off!, wow!! I know how tough that can be normally…way to go April!! It’s looking so good!! So many things I’m looking forward to seeing unfold as you prepare your new home, but definitely anticipating when you have a sit down cooked meal that was prepared in your newly finished kitchen and enjoying it as a family. πŸ™‚

  3. Antonina (Nina) Swiger says:

    I am so happy your belonging finally arrived! The space will take on new meaning with your own familiar things there. It will become yours and Eric’s home. The fact that he said it out loud says so much! Many blessing to you in the coming New Year!

    • April Lee says:

      thank you, nina, for these lovely words of encouragement. it is a huge relief to have our stuff here (though we won’t be able to unpack it until we get more rooms done). but yes, slowly and surely, we will make this our home. i think villa magnolia is smiling!

  4. Allyson says:

    Oh my!! I know this is such a HUGE undertaking, but still so very exciting!! Ask Eric to give you a massage to ease your sore muscles!! πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!!

    • April Lee says:

      yes, a massage sounds like a good idea. (and coincidentally, the one person we’ve gotten to know since we’ve been here is a massage therapist! πŸ™‚ i need to schedule with her soon.) thanks for following along on my journey.

  5. Jul's says:

    “or i could tell you about feeling a little less bewildered this week.
    even when eric said, for the very first time, β€œwhen we get back home.”
    (and realizing that he meant villa magnolia.)”

    Love everything you’ve posted, you bring Italy to us…or us to Italy… I am in awe of the walking trail and the plaster work of your Villa ceilings…Ahh your new home!

  6. April says:

    April, no one tells a story through pictures and minimal text the way you can. That’s a gift! Thank you for sharing your adventure and making us feel a part of it! You are bringing so much joy and beauty to your Villa, and your new home! <3

  7. Angela says:

    April, loved reading your post. So happy your belongings have finally arrived, although seeing that photo of you having to cross that street with everything was scary! Beautiful to see you happy smiling face at the end though πŸ™‚ Looking forward to the next instalment.

  8. Beth says:

    What a journey! I am tired just reading it, but it sounds like things are falling into place for you. Take a deep breath, you are home. πŸ™‚

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