15 things i discovered during 15 days on the road.

just back from a road trip to california, june 1 through 15.
(via washington, oregon, nevada, montana, and idaho.)
sharing one discovery i made each day.

  1. goats get lonely and cry too.
  2. a red door always makes me happy.
  3. hot temperatures can delaminate a tire.
  4. online friends are very real.
  5. morning qi gong on the beach is a wonderful way to start the day.
  6. i am inspired by a certain someone’s raw and resolute courage.
  7. hollywood is kind of wild.
  8. as noted last week, i was born with a pen in my hand but i don’t write as often when i travel.
  9. the chaparral (whipple) yucca is a cool plant.
  10. saying goodbye is hard.
  11. after thunder & sadness, lightning & fear, come blue skies & hope, sunshine & strength.
  12. i like labradoodles.
  13. sometimes you just have to skateboard down the highway of life.
  14. an influential person’s presence lasts far longer than his or her physical body.
  15. i missed mr. smith, harlowe, and winterchase (my kellogg home).

me & shonda - qi gong in santa cruz #4

hollywood walk of fame #7

me & the yucca #9

the 2 labradoodles #12

n skateboarding on hwy #13
of course, there were many more takeaways in the two-plus weeks.
whenever i pack a suitcase and go,
i always stumble upon curious and wonderful things.
about myself, my family, my world.

this exercise has inspired me to jot down one daily discovery,
every day until i leave for italy.
i’ll begin tomorrow.
will you join me?

[for more pictures from my 15-day california road trip, check out my facebook page!]
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10 Responses to 15 things i discovered during 15 days on the road.

  1. Shonda says:

    Love it! ????❤️????

  2. Mui says:

    Awesome discoveries and photos April! I want to copy this idea and use it in my daily life. So rather than just going through work and family life as a routine, I want to make one new discovery a day. Thanks for the inspiration!

    ps: I’m assuming a labradoodle is a cross between a labrador and a poodle? 🙂

    • April Lee says:

      thank you, mui. (have you started the practice yet?)

      and yes, a labradoodle is a cross between a labrador and a poodle! (i think their hair is usually much curlier than this though – these two had just been shaved for the summer. 🙂 )

  3. Tanya says:

    What a funny and excellent list! I hope you do this every time you take a trip !! I wish I had started doing something like this decades ago. I would love to see how the messages have changed .

  4. farah says:

    this made me smile April! Love the strange and wonderful things you noticed and appreciated each day of your trip! The freedom and spirit with which you write is delicious! You will find more than 1 thing I’m sure when you are in Italy! Enjoy 🙂

  5. Cathy says:

    Great way to count down the days until you leave. Continuing to discover life at this home before starting at the new one.
    (So amazing that it’s getting down to days…)

  6. Angela says:

    I LOVE this idea April! Not only a really cool way to remember special occasions and trips but, a daily discovery sounds like a # that could really take off!!

  7. Pam says:

    The chaparral yucca is impressively tall!

    I think it’s really cool you’re keeping a travel journal of sorts. 🙂

  8. Jul's says:

    Love it! What a brilliant idea to jot down and share one discovery a day. I’m game! Love the photos and love your style of writing. Always so inspiring and poetic. Such amazing photos too.

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