Ramblings from the Road

Sometimes a strange thing happens when I travel. The kind of travel that consists of packing up every couple of nights and starting all over again in a new place.

I don’t write as much.

Just small snippets of words carelessly jotted down. Nothing definite or refined. Nothing solid or coherent. Today and last Wednesday, preparing my blog posts, were my only real attempts.

This is puzzling to me. I write almost as often as I breathe. Pen in hand at all times. Making sense of my world through ink on paper. So why the sudden drying up of script when I’m on the go?

I’ve been keeping a running commentary on Facebook in order to capture the broader details (and photos) of each day’s treasures. But then I’m done. Nothing else comes forth. And when I don’t write, I feel as if my life is temporarily suspended, floating in some otherworldly dimension. Surreal. Untouchable.

I process events and emotions through writing, yet I’ve hardly had a moment (or the space) to do anything more than fall exhausted into bed each night. Perhaps it is the sudden and steady assault to my senses. My brain, my being, struggles to keep up with the constant newness of my surroundings, my experiences. That’s okay though. I know I’ll get back to it.

We are currently in Hollywood, exactly midway through our California road trip. Day 8 of 15. Seven days behind us, seven ahead. My oldest son (who lives here) was busy today with work and school. My husband and younger son and I were tired, wanting a slower day to catch up, mentally and physically. That suited me. I could finally write. I could begin to process what it means to have our family of four all together for the first time in two months, and – more importantly perhaps – for the last time in the foreseeable future. (Hopefully we will be able to meet up in Italy for Christmas, although there are no guarantees at this point. I miss us.)

So what did I do today? I read, I reorganized my clothes in my suitcase, I hung out with my family, I walked back to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre to see the handprints and footprints (they were having a movie premiere the day before and the forecourt was blocked off for the red carpet), I bought a washcloth, I watched an Old Navy print ad being filmed (right next to our parked car), I ate at In-N-Out Burger for the first time, and I saw my first L.A. cockroach. I planned to do our laundry too, but it didn’t happen. I’ll have to sneak it in tomorrow morning.

frank sinatra hand and footprints

Maybe I’ll be able to write a bit too, as I wait for our clothes to tumble through the washer and dryer. I hope so. I honestly don’t feel like myself when I’m not recording my life. Better hurry though. Planning a trip up into the mountains above Los Angeles tomorrow afternoon.

I travel a lot. But I’m not a vacationer. My family rarely stays in hotels and usually doesn’t hang out in touristy spots. We prefer to live like the locals whenever we can. And I like to incorporate my everyday routine as much as possible wherever I am.

This trip’s been a mixture of both. But hey! I’m in California. It’s time to chill. The writing will be that much richer once I return home.


Dave Booda (creator/writer of the website Boodaism) says: “Vacations are about escaping. Traveling is about diving in.”

Do you prefer to go on vacation or to travel? Other than the obvious new experiences you encounter, what differences do you notice when you travel? Do you feel unsettled when your normal routine is upset? Or do you just go with the flow and welcome the unexpected?
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2 Responses to Ramblings from the Road

  1. farah says:

    Wonderful you are taking the time to chill and just be. Being on the road and spending time in California, and with family sounds just perfect to me. So often we feel we need to document our every waking moment, living life through a lens, and in so doing missing out onjust being present, Your writing, as you say, will be richer for being in the now. I love your firsts by the way! Made me smile 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your time on the road!

  2. Reena says:

    April, I love your style of writing. You really have a gift 🙂
    And yes, I can totally relate! After travelling around India for 6 months, I too barely wrote a blog. I too had dived into the areas and places I was travelling to. Connecting with people. I love how travel gets you out of your comfort zone and into your true being. Free from judgement of those that know you at home. You can chose who you want to be every day. Thanks for inspiring and enjoy the rest of your California journey!

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