the teeter-totter dance

and a fountain of tears.
fear and panic forcing reflexes
of failure and doubt.

about to give up the struggle, the effort.
in a brief weak moment,
on the precipice of surrender.

approaching the brink.
and at the last second,
hanging on to the slippery edge
in a burst of daring determination.

a new resolve to meet and conquer the demons.
reined in by conviction,
right before plummeting over the final threshold.

not allowing defeat.
this time.
and knowing with satisfaction,
next time as well.

the teeter-totter dance
of uncertainty and growth.
the teeter-totter dance

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7 Responses to the teeter-totter dance

  1. April says:

    Beautiful, raw and a wonderful image of strength. An “F You” to fear. Dance on, sister. You are surrounded by all of us who are cheering you on and sending our love. <3

  2. Elizabeth says:


    and … Retreat no more… choose to arrive…


    This course you are doing… sounds amazing … !!!

  3. Angela says:

    Wow April, it seems like we are dancing the teeter-totter (or as we call it the see-saw) dance together. I did “give up the struggle” and it is there that I found my “burst of daring determination.” Let’s do it sister!!!

  4. “hanging on to the slippery edge
    in a burst of daring determination.”

    Sometimes that’s really all we can do. You are in the midst of so much. Thank you for sharing your process in poetry. Know that you are held. xxoo

  5. Helene Scott says:

    YES! So, so love this. Exactly the adventure of Entrepreneurship, and in solidarity and understanding I’m by your side sista. Thanks for sharing such a deep expression of how this journey feels. xo!

  6. Ferris Jay says:

    Oh I could so feel the journey of those words and that teetering dance on the edge (and maybe it’s synchronicity that I’ve felt that too this week). So glad you held on and summoned up your reserves to dance on 🙂
    Let’s keep dancing on.

  7. Nathalie says:

    Oh, April, I haven’t visited your blog in a while but this poem made me realize (again) what a master of words you are. It was AMAZING! Goose bumps all over because I could really relate to your message and the teetering dance. Thank you so much for sharing this. Cheers to dancing on! 🙂

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