13 thoughts on traveling

travel inspires me to do more, to be more.
travel ignites my existence.
why travel?

  1. because spending 15 minutes trying to communicate your order at that cute little french café is humbling, yet oh-so-oddly-satisfying.

  3. because it’s a strange and curious feeling to witness spring flowers in bloom when you know the leaves are falling back home.

  5. because even though things are unfamiliar, even alien, you realize that human hearts still beat the same everywhere and that smiles are smiles in every language.

  7. because jet lag is tiring, but also a tangible symbol of having stretched beyond your self-imposed limits.

  9. because it is heartwarming when your brazilian taxi driver answers your question about seeing monkeys in the wild by simply taking you to them.

  11. because a shield of invincibility is created when you realize that you can survive being misunderstood, being robbed, foreign medical care, and foreign legal proceedings.

  13. because opening up your mind to new possibilities forces you to grow by leaps and bounds.

  15. because being whisked through busy city streets in china, in a large black car with darkened windows, makes you feel like an international diplomat in a tale of espionage. (well, if you have a wild imagination like mine, that is!)

  17. because only occupying one tiny little space creates a narrow worldview.

  19. because washing fingerprint ink off your hands in a south american interpol office bathroom is the most surreal experience ever.

  21. because having devoted friends around the globe feels incredible.

  23. because boredom, monotony, mediocrity, stodginess, stagnation, and inflexibility are eradicated from your vocabulary (and life).

  25. because you might otherwise never know where you truly belong. (like in an italian villa perhaps?)


april in andorra

april in andorra

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3 Responses to 13 thoughts on traveling

  1. Cathy says:

    Travel: exploration, discovery, history, secret nooks, delicious food, art & architecture are the things that lure me to a new city or country. At the same time, the perspective it offers becomes an exploration and discovery of my own history, culture, secret nooks, tastes and architecture.

    What never ceases to amaze me is the boundless energy I have when exploring a new place – perhaps this is what I lack in daily life at home…

  2. April says:

    #3, #5, #7, #8, #12 and #13 are my favs!! Thank you for the reminder of the awesomeness (and surrealness apparently) of traveling!! I always love your pictures, too! Can’t freaking wait for your e-course!!!! 🙂

  3. I loved this post, April! I feel stretched just reading it. Looking forward to my next trip abroad and that little French cafe. Though I must say, I get attached to a country and find myself wanting to retrace my steps. I need to remedy that!

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